But we have a Book to give us warnings, instructions, and promises to last forevermore! God's Word is the road map we need to guide us through this life! Pslam 16:5 says, O Lord You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot! God holds our destiny and fate in His Hand. What a wonderful promise to His children! Psalm 16: 11 says You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. The Lord gives us counsel, he upholds my footsteps in His path that our footsteps will not slip. So while we may not know that the road we're on my have a pot hole ahead or it may run out of pavement ahead. We can be assured that God will provide the guidance that we need to travel the road of life.
Amos 6:1 says to "seek the Lord and live" If we seek God we will live, truly live. That's not to say we may not hit a pot hole or problem in this life or that all will be easy and smooth sailing, problems are just part of the world we live in, but if we seek Him if we trust Him and in all of our ways acknowledge Him and don't try to figure it out on our own, He will direct our paths.
So while we may not get a highway sign to warn us or caution us, we can trust in the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and Almighty God to lead, guide & direct us in the ways we should go! Much better than a road sign any old day!
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