Monday, March 8, 2010

Tournament #2

This weekend we played in a tournament in Lonoke. One thing we've decided this year is that 14 year old baseball is very long. One game we played only 2 innings & it lasted for 1.5 hours. Whew...! The mom's have decided we need to pack a snack bag because we're going to get really hungry waiting on these games to finish. Our team came in first place!
Way to go Rage!Chandler batting!
Chandler pitching to one of his friends. I love the smile on his face as he's getting ready to throw the ball!
Someone learned a valuable lesson today....when you find a parking space up close at a baseball should NOT take it, especially when it's next to the big boys field. Someone went home unhappy and unfortunately Chandler caused their unhappiness.

1 comment:

Sherry Jo said...

I've had one of those dents in my window from CAT too!